Now is the time!

ONE GREEN WORLD is a private equity group founded by a small group of investors and entrepreneurs. One Green World focuses on developing new and emerging markets for industrial hemp applications, medicines, environmental sustainability, organic and he‍‍‍alth food. There are more than 25,000 different uses of Industrial Hemp. Moreover, Hemp is one of the most sustainable plants in the world.

We increase the value of our investments by:

•Improving management/marketing
•Lowering expense through economies of scale
•Investing into experienced management teams   and proven business models

•Providing growth capital for proof of concept.

1-858-752-7000 /

One Green World Fund

‍‍‍Dream - Develop - Fund - Build - Prosper








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One Green World

We ‍‍‍target the following opportunities:

•Venture Capital for start-ups with proven management and performance history
•Public and Private investments using a PIPES transaction, public equities, or fixed income
•Real-Estate Buy and Lease Back Opportunities

Providing Capital to the Hemp Industry

One Green World  Fund‍‍‍